Lightbeam Health Solutions Acquires CareSignal

There’s been a lot of talk in the digital health space about the potential of wearables to improve remote patient monitoring. However, with most companies focusing their attention on introducing new devices to the home, Lightbeam Health Solutions is setting itself apart by adding a “Deviceless RPM” service through the acquisition of CareSignal.

  • Lightbeam offers end-to-end population health solutions for payors and providers looking to manage risk. The company generates patient cohorts for over 42m lives to bring health data “into the light” and provides proactive insights that ensure patients receive the right care at the right time.
  • CareSignal’s Deviceless RPM service uses a combination of automated text messages and IVR calls to gather self-reported patient data for over 30 conditions, identifying actionable moments for care delivery while allowing value-based organizations to sustainably scale care teams without sacrificing engagement.
  • The acquisition makes sense for Lightbeam on many levels. Integrating scalable patient monitoring and engagement into the company’s core population health offering improves the cohort creation at the center of the service, while also allowing risk-bearing partners to manage chronic conditions in a cost-effective manner.

The Takeaway

The success of chronic condition management solutions involves not only the improvement of patient outcomes, but also the ability to demonstrate a meaningful return on investment within a reasonable time horizon.

Lightbeam is addressing both of these metrics by acquiring CareSignal, and doing so at a time when healthcare personnel bandwidth is in great need of relief.

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